Military Technology


Our program at E&E Kabeltechnik also includes special cable solutions for military applications, including flat and coiled cables and spiralized cables. Such solutions are used by police special units and by the fire brigade.

So that communication functions safely - all the time

The range of application of the highly-flexible, light and robust cable goes from tactical communication right through to components for ear protection and communication technology, screened interference-free for direct deployment. Some examples are the connection between the radio unit and the receiver in the rucksack and from the receiver to the headset. Flexible cables are particularly necessary in the area of the head.


  • Communication technology
  • Data technology (including in the field)
  • Satellite technology
  • Ground, maritime and aviation vehicles
  • Monitoring and security technology (e.g. border control)

Customer benefits

  • colours adapted to the place of deployment, e.g. black, olive, desert camouflage (brown/beige)
  • obtainable in a mat and reflection-reduced version
  • flame-proof in line with various standards
  • resistant to the environment and to media
  • bio-compatible
  • flexible
  • light
  • robust
  • also available in very small diameters

Do you have any questions? Our developers and engineers will work with you to find the right cable solution for your application. Please get in touch with us!